Tuesday, June 10, 2014

life lately

Life has been good. We have been happy.

To all you avid readers of ours who we do not speak on the phone with regularly, here is a brief update:

In March we moved 26 miles west to live in Mar Vista, rather than Burbank. It was quite a bittersweet move, as we really loved our little bungalow in Burbank, and we loved living across the street from our best friends. But our new apartment is less than two miles from our jobs and we are now both biking to and from work on our own time, rather than driving 26 miles to and from work together and one of us always waiting on the other. Life feels so much less hectic now. We have downtime. We can relax. We can take things day by day rather than week by week. And we really like our new apartment also- we got what feels like a great deal on a space that is a bit larger than what we had in Burbank. All in all, this was meant to be. We're in the right place for now.

We joined a new church about two months ago and we are LOVING it. It is a relatively new church that was just planted in February of this year. There are about 30 people who attend regularly right now, and we are excited to be there and to be a part of them growing. We intend to stick around for a very long time. It is nice to have finally found a church that we are both happy to be a part of- it's been years since either of us have really felt at home in any specific church.

We have a niece! Beautiful little girl was born on March 14th and she's perfect in every way. We will be meeting her in July when they come out to visit us here in LA, and I cannot wait to snuggle with her!

We celebrated our first wedding anniversary on June 1st. We celebrated not by painting the town red, but we did go out for Indian food, and watched our wedding video, and all in all just had a relaxing day enjoying each other's company. The little things are our favorite.

Jeremy is in the process of switching over to a new position at work- helping with the day to day maintenance and organization of the facilities and eventually helping to organize and put on in-company community events. He is very, very happy with this change, as it is much more in the way of how his mind works and doesn't involve him sitting at a computer for all hours of the day. And what's more, as it is a project-based position it will give him more flexibility to choose his own hours and work when it is most convenient for him- which is great timing, because he's been talking with a casting agency that casts commercials. So if he gets an email in the middle of the morning mentioning an audition that is happening two hours later, he can leave work and go to that theoretical audition. The best of both worlds? For now, it seems to be.

And I, Bekah, am quite content with my nannying job. It's been just about a year since I started working for this family, and it's been a great year. I'll likely be sticking with them for as long as they need me, and my plan is to then transition into starting a Doula business. We'll see where the road goes.

Life has been good. We have been happy.

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