Thursday, September 12, 2013


We spent a good amount of last Saturday on the set of the teaser trailer for "Extracurricular," a screenplay written by our good friend Jonny. Jeremy played a large role in the scene, and yours truly even sat in as an extra.

This is a film that we feel passionate about on quite a few levels. It is being filmed by Cineline Productions, a company comprised of many of our wonderfully talented friends. Jonny has shared the script with Jeremy and me over the past year or two, and (though I've failed to give him back proper notes) we believe wholeheartedly in Jonny's writing, his directing, and what he sees as the end result. Also, Extracurricular is set near Lexington, Kentucky, which is a place that is dear to our hearts. Most everyone involved in the film has roots in Kentucky, and it is to be shot there while finding many current Kentucky residents to be a part of it.

Updates about the film can be found on this page. They are currently in the fundraising stage to obtain the necessary resources for filming it to Cineline's high-quality standards. We are excited to see it in these beginning stages and on the way to becoming something much larger than the idea it's been for the past few years.

What could Jeremy be scheming up? Stay tuned ...

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